
PyCharm 2021.3.2 - второй минорный релиз уже доступен

PyCharm 2021.3.2 - второй минорный релиз уже доступен

JetBrains выпустила second minor release of PyCharm 2021.3

Bug fixes в выпуске PyCharm 2021.3:

  • Fixed the IDE’s freeze while indexing WSL projects [IDEA-286059]
  • Fixed a bug with Python string literals that were treated as ‘bytes’ in Markdown documents [PY-40313]
Code Insight Exception PY-52202 Argument for @NotNull parameter 'actual' of com/jetbrains/sqlalchemy/SQLAlchemyTypeProvider.resolvesToQualifiedNameOwner must not be null
Inspections Bug PY-40313 Python string literals in Markdown documents are treated as 'bytes' for type-checking purposes
Interpreters Settings Bug PY-52052 Anaconda is not discovered if installed in /opt/anaconda3
Build. Built-in (JPS) Bug IDEA-284100 Internal error (java.lang.NullPointerException): null java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.BitSet.or(BitSet.java:937) at org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.IncProjectBuilder$BuildParallelizer.<init>(IncProjectBuilder.java:999)
Build. Gradle Bug IDEA-280344 Gradle composite build no test runner
Build. Maven Bug IDEA-285586 Maven import fails with error and blank error message
Bug IDEA-286579 [WSL2] Syncing of maven project does not finish
Exception IDEA-285245 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Trying to get WSL path from a different WSL distribution: in path: Ubuntu-20.04.m2; mine is: Ubuntu-20.04

Полный список исправлений доступен в PyCharm 2021.3.2 Release Notes

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