
Red Hat открывает специальный портал Open House для тех, кто пропустил Red Hat Summit 2020

Red Hat открывает специальный портал Open House для тех, кто пропустил Red Hat Summit 2020

Red Hat открывает специальный портал Open House, на котором можно будет посмотреть все, что происходило на Red Hat Summit 2020 в режиме online.

Портал будет работать до апреля 2021 года. 

On July 15 Red Hat is opening its virtual doors for an Open House, building on the Red Hat Summit 2020 Virtual Experience from April with an additional set of sessions, more "Ask the Experts" sessions, and live access to C-level tech experts. 

If you missed the Red Hat Summit Virtual Experience the first time around, that content is still available on demand. You can log back in, or register for the first time, and watch the on-demand content through April of 2021. Registration is still free and grants access to hundreds of sessions about Red Hat's technologies, customer successes, and much more.

The same registration will carry over for the Open House, so on July 15th you can sign in with your Summit credentials and enjoy our new sessions and live programming from the comfort of home. 

As the Open House gets closer we'll have more info on sessions and Ask the Experts sessions, so keep an eye on the Red Hat Blog for more information and get ready to join us on July 15th.

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