Red Hat Openshift - доступны новые обучающие курсы

Red Hat Openshift - доступны новые обучающие курсы

Два новых обучающих курса стали доступны для специалистов, желающих прокачать свои знания по платформе Openshift:

Red Hat OpenShift Administration III: Scaling Deployments for Enterprise Workloads (DO380)

Expanding on the OpenShift 4 administration track, this level 3 course is designed for administrators and site reliability engineers (SRE’s) responsible for scaling multiple and larger deployments of Red Hat OpenShift. This includes topics geared toward Enterprise customers:

Container management platforms are a strategic technology with growing adoption rates throughout many business sectors. Understanding how a platform fits into existing datacenter services is critical to successfully operating and running containerized workloads at scale. 

During development of this course, the curriculum developers collected input from various stakeholders to identify real-world deployment scenarios and to better understand how customers are planning and using Red Hat OpenShift in production. Through this data, the team developed a set of labs and accompanying material targeted specifically at teaching use-cases relevant to enterprise customers. 

Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (DO328) 

This course is designed for cloud-native developers and DevOps teams. It teaches students installation, service monitoring, service management, and ways to achieve service resilience of Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh. 

OpenShift offers an enterprise-ready, multi-tenant platform that makes deploying and scaling microservice applications efficient and more easily repeatable. But as these architectures become larger and more complex, defining and controlling how these services interact with each other becomes increasingly difficult and more expensive to manage. Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh comprises three products—Istio, Jaeger, and Kiali—designed to ease microservice system management. The course provides in-depth instruction and hands-on exercises on OpenShift Service Mesh’s management techniques and capabilities:   

Опубликовано: 28 сентября 2020

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