Еще пять бесплатных сервисов доступны с бесплатной учетной записью Azure

Еще пять бесплатных сервисов доступны с бесплатной учетной записью Azure

Start building with free amounts of Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Key Vault, Azure Logic Apps, and the Encoding feature of Azure Media Services, now available for eligible Azure free account users. These are offered as part of the free services provided when users sign up for an Azure free account.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Build intelligent, scalable apps with fully managed database for PostgreSQL.

Azure Database for MySQL

Host a fully managed, scalable MySQL database in Azure.

Key Vault

Safeguard and maintain control of keys and other secrets.

Azure Logic Apps

Build automated integration solutions across clouds and on-premises systems

Media Services—Encoding

Index, package, protect, and stream video and audio at scale.


Опубликовано: 13 июня 2021

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